Today video became available for posting in Instagram*. Max videofile size allowed for upload and editing is 32Mb. System cut out first 15 seconds of video if the size is exceeded, thus please pay attention to the size of your videofile to avoid unexpected content of your posts.
One could add video thumbnail. To do it just drag and drop appropriate picture to the video field, as if one simply post a picture.
Video formats available for upload are avi, m4v, mp4, mpg, 3gp, 3g2, asf, wmv.
This option is available for free to all users till the end of February. Further costs and availability of this option is under internal discussion in our team.
Interface update:
• “Projects” section was upgraded. Drag and drop issue was resolved (issue was observed in case of multiple publics).
• Posts’ display in smmplanner feed was updated.
• Account section was changed by addition of post filter
• Smmplanner posts’ feed load velocity was significantly increased
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